
Nursing Registration Process in Germany

After the translation of documents, all certificates should be mailed to the province that the candidate prefers. The time for processing can range between two and five months, based on the province selected.

After receiving this job offer, the applicant can start the process of applying for a visa. • Once the registration is approved, LORDZ ABROAD will send the candidate’s CV to the hospitals for consideration. On approval, the hospital authority may conduct a telephonic or Skype interview to assess the language proficiency and professional competency before offering the job letter.


Compared to other available occupations, there is a high demand for nursing professionals in Germany. Increased prevalence of chronic illnesses and aging populations, and increasing demand for healthcare are a few factors behind the demand for nurses in Germany.


Germany is a developed country that safeguards the interests of health professionals. The shortage of nurses is very high, and job security is not an issue in Germany.


Once you’ve arrived in Germany after arriving, you can take your family with you to Germany, and your spouse can work, and your children will be eligible for free education. The spouse will require a basic German language proficiency certificate ( A1 ) to move to Germany.


Another advantage of working as a nurse in Germany is the PR status. Usually, the German Authorities will grant permanent residency within five years or earlier. The residence permit will be granted to non-EU citizens who have been in Germany for longer than five years.

Long Job contract

Another benefit of working as a nurse in Germany to Indian nurses is that they are eligible for an unlimited work contract. The job contract can be changed or terminated at any time through mutual agreement, with the consent of both employee and the employer.


Permanent residence permits you to remain in Germany as long as you want. To be eligible for a permanent residence permit, applicants must acquire at least five years’ experience working in a position recognized by Federal Employment Agency. Another requirement is that you must demonstrate your proficiency in the German language. If you get a residence permit, your spouse and child will receive temporary residence permits.