Do you want to investigate and fight crime – also on a global level? Why not study criminology abroad? Criminology is an exciting and demanding field. There are many different criminal problems and breaches of jurisdiction and legislation, that need attention.

Why study criminology?
Criminology is the study of crime and the related problems in society. It can be gang related issues, substance abuse, deviants behavior, breaches of norms, social control, etc.
Studying will let you obtain theoretical knowledge about crime and criminological theories. You will learn about the mechanisms and processes that control the development of crime in both locally, nationally and internationally.
Why study abroad?
Studying abroad will teach you both in and of a different perspective than you are used to; and you will learn completely different things in a completely different things than you are used to. Moreover, you will meet many people from different places, who can be future academic collaborators, colleagues, mentors and friends. It will be a great point on your resume, that will surely set you apart from the competition, but most important of all: You will get an unforgettable and unique experience abroad.